Not sure why
the feeling of limbo
aids uncertainty
following flow
not knowing
going even so
the motion in travel
trumps the cemented destination
from plane to foriegn pavements
plunged directly
to underground familiarity
trading stares with curious eyes
under flickers of lights
coloured tiles
time unkept dissolves away
neither day nor night.
Forced in like caged heads pressed to glass
we look out to divert eyes
For to converse whilst noses touched would be the end
A societal elevation in solitary teleportation.
"At the core of everything theres something that is unknowable, unconquerable, imprenetrable, inexplicable, and enigmatic".
- Amy Sullivan, painter.
This series is part of a larger ongoing body of work exploring the concept of ‘Limbo’. There are numerous meanings associated to the term, ranging from Catholic theology, immigration, and even to a dance. The basis of this work stems from the common feeling we experience at some point in our lives: amidst a transitional phase, a period of uncertainty, feeling lost or neglected, Leading one to feel in perpetual state of in-between.
As the title infers, The project presumes the ever changing landscape of life, society and the anonymity of the individual in non-places. Non-place is a neologism, according to French anthropologist Marc Augé, to refer to anthropological spaces of transience where the human beings remain anonymous and that do not hold enough significance to be regarded as "places".
Limbo explores the systematic movements of transit, combined with the inadvertent wanderings of a nomad; seeking human interactions however distant, within these ever growing non-places.